Summer’s here in Toronto and the sweltering hot temperature tempts you to set your thermostat low. Although this can somehow help you achieve your much wanted comfort, forcing your AC to work harder can actually cause its internal components to break down or stop working entirely, in which case you’ll need Toronto air conditioner services to restore it back into shape. Consider the following tips to help your AC beat the summer heat without the risk of a burnout: Minimize internal heat According to Freshome.com, electronic devices and appliances contribute to the overall heat gain in your home, causing your AC to work harder than it has to. Keep heat-generating appliances such as lamps, televisions, clothing irons away from the thermostat. Turn them off unless you need really need to use them. Also, try to reduce cooking time during the hottest parts of the day. If possible, install a range fan to allow the hot air to escape during cooking.
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