water boilers are a great alternative to furnaces when it comes to keeping your
home nice and toasty during the colder months. When summer rolls along,
however, most boiler systems are out of sight and out of mind for most
homeowners. Don’t be one of those homeowners.
summer months are the perfect time to inspect your hot water boiler. In the
event you do find a sign of damage, heating contractors are
readily available, unlike during late autumn and the entirety of winter. With
that in mind, here are a few signs you should look out for:
your inspection by turning the safety valve. If the safety valve is rusted or
loose, have it replaced immediately. Your safety valve is the last line of
defense against a malfunctioning boiler system, so always make sure that it is
working properly.
pressure tank should be full of warm air. Accumulation of water is a sign that
the tank is experiencing problems and may break down soon.
your pilot light goes out suddenly, you may have a draft in the area. If there
is no draft, then your gas supply may be loose. If you suspect this and smell
gas in the air, evacuate your home and
call a professional immediately.
Our boiler has been leaking slightly lately, so I'm glad I now understand what's happening, and what will happen. Luckily our safety valve is working properly so we don't need to worry about that! I'll be sure to have it replaced soon! Thanks for your help!