Air conditioners work hard when temperatures start to climb in the middle of the summer. Unfortunately, the more you run your AC unit the higher your electric bill will be. Can hot weather affect your AC in other ways? Read on if you want to learn more about how hot weather can affect your air conditioning.
When the weather is hot, AC systems are put to the test because they have to keep up with the demands of providing cool air. With that said, there are a few things you should know about running your AC in hot conditions. Let’s go into more details about the what and why…
Which Air Conditioner Is Right For Me?
Central AC systems are supposed to be designed to suit the size of your house and the amount of air that is required to heat or cool your home. The condenser and the size of the AC unit should be efficient for 98% of the average high temps in the area you live in. For that other two-percent, your AC will actually not be big enough.
If you were to install a larger system (which is a common mistake), then your system would be inefficient over 90% of the time. This is not a good thing. This is because a larger system will have no issues with pumping out a lot of cool air on very hot days.
When Air Conditioner is Not Cooling
Your AC runs more often during the hot weather and this means it is subjected to more wear and tear. You can alleviate this issue by performing regular maintenance on it, and this is why you should follow a regular maintenance program. By doing this, you can bet your AC will run at optimal performance once the hot months arrive.
However, you should understand that heat places another kind of stress on your AC. This can make it harder for it to move hot air from inside your home to the outside. An AC absorbs thermal energy from inside the home and then it sends it outside. Remember, an AC is actually a heat exchanger.
If the temps outside are really high, then ejecting heat becomes more difficult. This extra stress can make your AC work harder. Not only that, but the extra heat could end up making its way into the interior of the home.
Problems With The Component
The good news is high heat won’t really affect the internal parts of your AC unit. In fact, AC units are designed to withstand extreme temps. However, capacitors could end up suffering.
Capacitors may need to be replaced when the heat is excessive. If you turn your AC on and you notice a clicking sound coming from it, then it’s time to have it looked at. This is a major sign that you should have it fixed or replaced.
Juicing More Efficiency Out Of Your Air Conditioner System
You might need to do something to your AC if you want it to work reliably when the temperatures reach 100 degrees or higher. There are actually a lot of things you can do. Feel free to research a few tips to learn what you can do to save energy in relation to your AC.
In short, you can do things such as turning up the thermostat by a few degrees. Also, if there are rooms you aren’t using, then close them off when the AC is turned on. Make sure you close all doors and vents as this will keep cool air inside the rooms.
Another thing you can do is shade windows on the part of the house that the sun hits. You shouldn’t use the dry cycle on the dishwasher too. Instead, let them air dry. And on the hottest part of the day, you shouldn’t run your clothes dryer.
Book a service call or speak to an expert from Laird and Son today.
As Torontonians, we are well aware that our city’s cold can drop low and pierce any article of clothing. Warm homes during those months are a must for us to live our lives. However, the heat we receive comes at a price, and that is winter air that’s dry.
For most people, it’s the scalp, skin, and hands that become driest during the winter months. Also, some people experience sore throats and “perpetual colds.” In fact, the dry air of winter can exacerbate asthma, dust allergies and even contribute to nosebleeds.
A drop in the humidity level is often seen when cold weather appears.
You may want to purchase a freestanding or small tabletop humidifier. However, the right way to deal with such a problem is to install a furnace humidifier. It’s the one true way to alter the humidity level of your entire house all at the same time.
Why is my furnace air dry?
The truth of the matter is that most furnaces contribute to lowering the humidity levels. They are not working to “dry out the air.” What they do is draw outside air, air that is typically less humid than the air inside, into a home
What is Atmospheric Combustion?
This is what atmospheric combustion furnaces do, the standard of older furnace models. This type of heater operates with an open combustion chamber. It pulls the air in a home to activate the burners. As the air is drawn from the house, a vacuum fills with outside air. If the air outside is drier than the air inside “often the case in winter” it leads to a drop in relative humidity. Cold drafts are also created.
Sealed Combustion Furnaces
Many of the new furnaces don’t have the problem due to their sealed combustion. This is a furnace with a combustion chamber closed off to the rest of the home. Air from the outside is pulled in through piping. Therefore, no forced exchange of air is operating with the outside air. It not only prevents indoor air from getting too dry, but it also works at a higher energy efficiency that doesn’t lose heat through the open combustion chamber.
As Labour Day approaches, it is always a good time to be considering furnace maintenance during the Fall months. Your furnace system is one of the essentials for maintaining a comfortable internal temperature inside your house during the colder months. When you have an efficient heating system it will make your life much more content and bring longevity to the infrastructure of your home.
Whenever there is a problem with a heating system, most people believe that it will be very expensive to hire a professional furnace repair service. However, that is not true!
A professional furnace repair technician is the key to making sure the heating system in your home continues to function correctly. They will also provide you with quality repair services. Having maintenance scheduled on a regular basis is critical to keep the heating system in your home running efficiently, reliably, and within any warranty terms that are applicable.
Expert furnace repair technicians must have the right certification and proper training in order to keep your worries of receiving bad service under control. They should have hands-on experience in their field and know how to do things safely and properly. A ‘Do It Yourself’ job may result in making problems worse and also end up costing you more money.
Hiring a Laird & Son professional furnace maintenance and repair expert can save a lot of money on your home energy bills in addition to making sure that your furnace runs efficiently all year long.
10 Signs That Your Furnace Needs To Be Repaired
A furnace’s average lifespan is around 15 years. However, even if you end up trading in your old model before its time for a newer model, it won’t have trade-in value. What that means is that it is not only wise but vital to keep your furnace properly maintained. It is definitely worth running your furnace until it has reached its maximum lifespan. Listen and watch for signs that your heater might need to have a tune-up. That will enable you to identify problems before the lifespan of your furnace is shortened.
Sign No. 1. You Have Neglected Or Ignored Your Furnace For At Least A Year
Figure out when was the last time that your furnace was checked by a professional HVAC technician. If it was a year ago or longer, then you are overdue for having annual maintenance done on your furnace. You should at least have your filter replaced, considering it should actually be done once a month. A majority of HVAC repair companies provide monthly services for that, in addition to being able to automatically schedule regular annual check-ups. Make sure to put it on your calendar and create a new habit to keep your furnace healthy.
Sign No. 2 There Are Pools Of Water Surrounding Your Furnace
It is possible for your furnace to leak two substances: water and gas. A water leak is much less dangerous compared to a gas leak. However, it still needs to quickly be addressed to keep your house warm. This problem can easily be identified by checking for any water pooling under or close to your furnace. Usually, that is caused by having a clogged condensate line. It is better to have a professional handle this type of problem since it requires HVAC expertise to repair it.
Sign No. 3 You Smell Gas
Unlike water, you can usually identify a gas leak when there is a smell of gas. If that is the case, then you should immediately shut your furnace down. Then open the furnace, and shut the gas supply valve off. Don’t turn on lights or light matches in your house and be sure to contact us as soon as you can.
Sign No. 4 There Is A Bang, Scrape, Or Thump During The Night
A strange noise is one of the most obvious red flags and signs that your furnace is in need of repair. When you hear a bang, scrape, or thump, that means there’s something wrong with the HVAC system. A trained technician can determine whether or not the noise will go away on its own.
Sign No. 5 The Air Is Blowing Weakly
If the heater in your car has ever been broken then you already know that air can go quickly from freely flowing to barely blowing out of the vents. There are several reasons why that can also happen with your furnace. It can range from minor issues with fans up to major problems with motors and belts. The bottom line is that our HVAC technician needs to come out and look to see where the system needs to be repaired.
Sign No. 6 Your Thermostat Stops Working
When your thermostat becomes ineffective you need to turn your heat up higher to keep it warm. That is definitely a sign that your furnace is in need of repair. The main job of the thermostat is telling your HVAC system the amount of heat that it should produce. When it stops doing this, you need the problem to be addressed by a professional. Quite often these kinds of malfunctions are caused by electrical problems such as tripped circuit breakers, loose wiring, or blown fuses. Due to the risk of shock, it can be dangerous to try to fix them if you don’t have formal training. Instead, you should call us and we will send out our HVAC professional.
Sign No. 7 Your Utility Bill Increases Unexpectedly
If your heating bill skyrockets without having a corresponding increase in use, that is another strong indication that your system needs to be repaired. There are a couple of things that might be wrong, including ductwork problems, and it is often very hard to determine what the problem is.
Sign No. 8 Your Furnace Is Blowing Cold Air
If your furnace is blowing cold air rather than hot air, this is obviously not good. The most common causes are problems with the pilot light or thermocouple, which are both complex components that must be evaluated by a specialized expert. Do not try to solve the problem yourself.
Sign No. 9 There Is Constant Or Frequent Cycling
If the furnace is repeatedly turning on and off, that indicates that it is probably over cycling, which means that it is running more frequently than it should. A clogged filter might be causing the problem, issues with the thermostat, or improper air circulation.
Sign No. 10 Your HVAC Is Getting Old
Is your furnace getting old? As previously mentioned, a furnace has an average lifespan of 15 years, meaning it could live to be 20 or die when it is 13. quite often, regular maintenance can make a big difference in how long your furnace lasts.
You know those cold nights that you decide to curl up and watch a movie? What makes these nights possible is your furnace, or at least they make them a lot more pleasant than they otherwise would be. So should at least keep it running smoothly to pay back your furnace.
One of the most effective and best ways of doing this is keeping a regular maintenance schedule. Every fall, get a preventative check-up and consider getting one mid-way through the season, especially during a demanding winter. This is an excellent way to reduce the odds of having problems to begin with.
No matter what, you need to stay vigilant and watch for all of the signs mentioned above. One common thing that you might have noticed is that most of the problems should be handled by professionals. Whenever your HVAC system needs some care, the best thing to do is to call us and make sure your furnace is treated right. You definitely won’t regret it since it can add a few years to your heater’s life, and a few bucks in your pocket.